“Lessee...he'd gone off after the funeral and gotten drunk. No, not drunk, another word, ended with "er." Drunker. that was it.”
“Back on shore everyone was pretty messed up, but the owner/captain was by far the worst off. He ended up drunk for a week, though the only thing he ever said was "So?"The boat's gone. "So?"Your mate's dead. "So?"Hey at least you're alive. "So?"An awful word but it does harden you. It hardened me.”
“He raised his brows. "You're drunk." "Am not!" He gave me a bland look. "A drunk's famous last words before they fall flat on their face.”
“You were drunk. I wanted to hear the words when you were of sound mind. Women get drunk all the time and confess their undying love to me.”
“I'm apt to get drunk on words...Ontology: the word about the essence of things; the word about being.”
“You're a beautiful drunk, daughter. But you're a drunk.”