“Great wealth, like a crowd at a concert,Gathers and melts.”
“Unnumbered suppliants crowd Preferment's gateAthirst for wealth, and burning to be great;Delusive Fortune hears th' incessant call,They mount, they shine, evaporate, and fall.”
“Crowds of questions stream through me like lines of people exiting a soccer ground or a concert. They push and shove and trip. Some make their way around. Some remain in their seats, waiting for their opportunity.”
“In a great library, you get into society in the widest sense. . . . From that great crowd you can choose what companions you please, for in these silent gatherings . . . the highest is at the service of the lowest with a grand humility. In a library you become a true citizen of the world.”
“Nothing incites to money-crimes like great poverty or great wealth.- More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927”
“Legend gathered around him, swirling around him like a great black cloak.”