“I will go to the bank by the wood, and become undisguised and naked;”
“It is a naked city. Faith is not pampered, nor hope encouraged; there is no place to lay one's exhaustion: but instead pinnacles skewer it undisguised against vacancy.”
“I'm serious about marrying you, Em. But I want to propose to you the right way- not half-naked and sporting wood.”
“So there I was being strangled by a ranting, half-naked madman in the middle of the woods, with a she-werewolf dangling from a rope snare somewhere nearby.”
“I live in a world were businesses have become "private corporations."Assassinations have become "target neutralisations."Being unfaithful now is "to sleep around..." How cute.The banks taking your money is now called a "stimulus package."I can go on and on and on...and that really saddens me.”
“Undisguised clarity is easily mistaken for arrogance.”