“Why do you treat me as they do, as though I were exactly what I want to be. Why do we treat people that way?”
“Why do they treat us like children? they said & I said why do you treat them like adults?& their eyes opened wide & they began to laugh & talk all at once & suddenly everything looked possible again.”
“When we decide what to do, we in effect proclaim our wish that our conduct be made into a "universal law." Therefore when a rational being decides to treat people in a certain way he decrees that in his judgement, this is the way people ought to be treated. Thus if we treat him the same way in return we are doing nothing more than treating him as he has decided people are to be treated.”
“I think that, people are people. That's why the way I treat the lady working in the deli who slices my ham is the same way I treat my friend who drives a Chrysler. That's why the way I treat the guy who packs my groceries is the same way I treat my rich friends. Because people are people. Some are rich and some are poor, and they're all people.”
“We can't continue treating people like monsters and then wondering why they have so few reservations about doing monstrous things.”
“Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.”