“O, swear not by the moon, th’ inconstant moon,That monthly changes in her circle orb,Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.”
“Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. then your love would also change.”
“Where, indeed, does the moon not look well? What is the scene, confined or expansive, which her orb does not hallow?”
“Black Moon - The second new moon of a month, an infrequent event.”
“But nothing in life was set in stone and nothing in life is promised us. Not happiness, not joy, not love. Everything was variable and mutable and inconstant.”
“She pushed Adam firmly back, once and for all, and turned to face the demon, the crescent moon of the scythe's blade circling over her head as a vane signals a change in the weather.The wind was finally blowing her way.”