“I am serving the purpose for which I was designed, therefore I am satisfied with my existence.”
“I am a handmaiden of Death. I walk in His dark shadow and do His bidding. Serving Him is my only purpose in this life...”
“I know in my life there have been breaches, but I also know that I am very good at blocking out the memories that serve me no purpose.”
“These reasonings are unconnected: "I am richer than you, therefore I am better"; "I am more eloquent than you, therefore I am better." The connection is rather this: "I am richer than you, therefore my property is greater than yours;" "I am more eloquent than you, therefore my style is better than yours." But you, after all, are neither property nor style.”
“I feel that it is possible that I might never have existed, for my self consists in thought; therefore I who think would never have been if my mother had been killed before I had come to life; therefore I am not a necessary being. I am not eternal or infinite either…”
“I am as my Creator made me and since He is satisfied, so am I.”