“M.T. Stone was the poster boy for what an assassin should look like.”
“And how different her face looked the first time she really liked a boy who was not on a poster on her wall. And how her face looked when she realized she was in love with that boy.”
“A wet boy has a deader, an assassin has a target, because assassins sometimes miss.”
“An Assassin, a real Assassin, had to look like one - black clothes, hood, boots, and all. If they could wear any clothes, any disguise, then what could anyone do but spend all day in a small room with a loaded crossbow pointed at the door?”
“It is agreed that little girls should have a different physical education than little boys, but it is not admitted how much of the difference is counseled by the conviction that little girls should not look like little boys.”
“You're a poster boy for sincerity. You have all the guile of a lamb.”