“As large as worlds. As old as Time. As patient as a brick.”
“A brick and blanket could be used as a large slingshot, put the brick in the blanket swing it around and release.”
“A brick could be used to show how patient you are. Somewhere between one brick and a million bricks lies a home. For me, my home is one brick, and I carry it with me wherever I go, because I’m always on the move. Maybe one day, when I’m a wealthy man, I’ll get a second brick and walk around with my mansion in my hands. ”
“The old woman was the kind who would not cut down a large old tree because it was a large old tree.”
“Something about her suggested that her leisure activities included wrestling large woodland animals and banging bricks together.”
“A brick could be used to tell time. And just between you and me, I hope that brick tells time to go to hell. ”