Anthony Paull began his writing career as the syndicated columnist of 'The Dating Diet,' a column which appeared in over 20 alternative newspaper publications. He has published two novels, the NPR Best YA Ever Finalist 'Outtakes of a Walking Mistake' and 'Desperation Lingers.' He has also directed several short films, including 'Air Signs' set for release in 2016. As an entertainment journalist, he has covered Sundance and SXSW. He is presently working on his third novel.
“God has to let fags in heaven. Who else could help him decorate, cook, and entertain? We're kind of everywhere.”
“Reality is overrated,” I reply, removing her wings.”
“Forget the trunk. You can have the back seat ... but you have to duck.”
“When life hands you lemons, eat and shit them out, Lemons are a natural diuretic. Shit on everyone around you. You’ll feel better.”
“the realization that I’m the boy so concerned about someone pulling out my chair, I never considered my heart would be pulled out instead.”
“A kiss means so much more when you have to fight for it.”
“Oh, forget it. I’m over love. It’s nothing but a weapon. Properly used, it protects us. Properly abused, it dissects us.”
“This is my truth. Mom, she sees the future. Me, I can’t look beyond the past. I wish I could.”
“Today, love came knocking at my window. To share with dad such a confusing, yet wonderful occasion would be great. Still, I keep this to myself. Who knows? In the future maybe dad and I can share more than silence but not until dad allows love to knock for me at the front door.”
“God, if only I were smart enough to know I'm worth more than being kept secret”
“This is how anger works. It hardens your tender skin and gives you the illusion of being wrapped in steel”
“"The shaking of my butt can never compare to the shaking of my heart. I have no idea what I'm doing or why I'm doing it... ever. I'm scared as hell of being alone but even more frightened of having anyone know it. So with the spotlight shining above my head, I force myself to dance, waiting for the day when a boy won't edit me out for fear of public approval. I can't settle for less. I won't settle for less. And someday, I'll find him, my true love.”